DF Psychological Services

Specializing in Cognitive Behavorial Therapy

Human Similarities

Posted by donna on September 20, 2009
Posted under DF Psych

If you have ever wondered if every human is completely different, you are only partially right. The way our brains our wired, much like how our bodies function, is very similar. So similar in fact, that you can observe replicable behavior in people based on environmental situations. This proves that humans are affected by mental stimuli in a consistent, and measureable way.This makes it possible for us to address cognitive problems in a logical, step-by-step way.One of the most famous studies was one where they measured the time it took to match two objects. As they moved the second object a few degrees, there was a consistent relationship between the number of degrees moved and the time it took to match. It formed a perfect bell curve. And this curve, is consistent across all humans.

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